We are a team

of expert consultants

specialised in the US market

About our company

GOCA Consulting was born in the autumn of 2015. The first FSMA regulations had just been published and normative changes were already becoming a challenge for agri-food companies exporting to the US.

José Luis Gómez decided to use his extensive international experience to create a specialised and professional consulting service to respond to these emerging needs.

Since then, he has provided advisory and training services to various export companies globally – from Sevillian olive oil mills to Mexican papaya packaging firms. He has also actively collaborated with Chambers of Commerce and institutions inside and outside Andalusia. Working with enthusiasm and commitment.

GOCA Consulting is a life project that seeks the common good: for its partners, for its collaborators, for the companies that receive its services and for the communities it operates in. We work democratically, respecting fundamental principles such as equality, honesty and transparency. We support social initiatives that place people at the centre. And we are growing every day as we work to embrace new ideas and initiatives.

About us

José Luis Gómez Carrasco
GOCAGROALIMENTARIA Soc.Coop.And. Vicepresident
Technical Director